Friday, January 29, 2010

The New Marketing Media Environment Must Live Or We Die Economically

The new marketing media environment consists of marketing tool elements such as: YouTube, MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, Digg, Delicious, Blogs, Webinars, Podcasts, Videocasts, AdWords, AdSense, Affiliate Programs, Craigslist, online gaming, and others.

The good news is most of these tools are currently offered for free. The bad news is many of them face the potential threat of becoming extinct if they don’t find a way to profitably monetize their business. Many of these companies are operating deeply in the red.

Friday, January 15, 2010

One Day Um Gonna...?

How many times have you told yourself, “one day um gonna do…?”. We tell ourselves that because that’s the vision or dream we have in our mind, but “the reality” (the visible circumstantial evidence) staring us in the face tells us that, that can’t happen right now. So we file it away in our memory in a file folder labeled “one day um gonna do”. And every time that illusive day approaches, some other circumstantial evidence presents itself and prompts us to re-file that goal or idea.