JC Penny is piloting a mobile couponing project in Houston, Texas. I think that they will have success with mobile couponing because people tend to not use coupons when they require extra work to use them. When you have to cut them out or have to remember to take it with you, this calls for extra steps and extra thinking and memory. People have so many things to contend with these days. When you make life easier and more convenient for them, they are more likely to engage.
Mobile couponing certainly accomplishes making it convenient. The consumers usually have their cell phone with them. If the coupon is readily available in their cell phone, which eliminates all the extra steps associated with paper coupons, the consumer is more likely to use them. As long as the coupons are easy to retrieve from the phone, women will love the idea.
Making them aware of the program is a matter of promoting it in the media currently used by the consumer such as JC Penny’s catalogs, sales papers, website, etc.
I think that mobile couponing is a logical progression in step with the evolution of technology. Everything that can be digitized will become digitized in time.
One company that is seeing notable success with mobile couponing is Domino’s Pizza. “Domino’s has seen significant growth from its mobile initiatives and plans to increase its investment in the mobile channel going forward.”
Bulcher, 2009, http://www.mobilemarketer.com/cms/news/commerce/4102.html
Cellfire mobile coupons are reported to be successful in comparison to the print coupon world. “In the print coupon world, industry average for redemptions is around 0.58% but for the mobile coupons from Cellfire, redemptions are in the 5 to 15% range.”
Marriott, n.d., Retrieved October 5, 2010 from http://mmaglobal.com/articles/mobile-commerce-coupons-2d-codes-and-purchasesoh-my
In May 2008, McDonald’s launched “Kazasu Coupon (kazasu = pass over)”, in order to convert the millions of members already registered on the McDonald’s mobile site…Since its launch this service has been a huge success.